Character names

From NARS2000
Revision as of 20:58, 3 March 2013 by Paul Robinson (talk | contribs)
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The characters used by this wiki and by NARS2000 when writing a workspace to disk have a specific name in order that they can be displayed in ASCII text and if necessary for display purposes they have a specific Unicode value so that they can be read exactly if read from a binary file and so they can be displayed within the APL font.

When it is necessary to describe a character it's usually easier to remember the name than a hexidecimal code number. For example, the APL quad symbol "⎕" is internalized as Unicode U+9109, it can be displayed on a web page using the symbol ⎕ or can be referenced on this wiki by the name {quad}. This wiki is set up to show these brace symbols as APL characters in ordinary text.

If you want to show a series of apl characters in monospace, you can surround them block like this: <apl>{quad}</apl> (which looks like this: ) for regular size APL characters (which may be cut off on some displays), or <apll>{quad}</apll> for larger APL characters also in a monospace font, and looks like this: .


The following are the names for the APL symbols. Some symbols have more than one name; either the typical APL use name is used or the description if there isn't a standard function name. If there is more information about the symbol the name will be a link; click on the link to go to the page for how the symbol is used.

Symbol Names
Symbol Name Is an Apl
Usable in
Has Key Key
A Underline: A
Special Symbols
  No  Yes None 57398
Z Underline: Z
Special Symbols
  No  Yes None 57423
0 Zero
Special Symbols
  No Second and subsequent characters 0 30
9 Nine
Special Symbols
  No Second and subsequent characters 9 39
| {abs}  Yes   No SHIFT+\ 124 or 2223 {{{hex}}}
{alpha}   No  Yes ALT+A 9082 {{{hex}}}
{and}  Yes   No ALT+0 (Zero) 8743 {{{hex}}}
{assign}  Yes   No ALT+[ 8592 {{{hex}}}
{basevalue}  Yes   No ALT+B 8869 {{{hex}}}
{ceiling}  Yes   No ALT+S 8968 {{{hex}}}
{circle}  Yes   No ALT+O 9675 {{{hex}}}
{circlebar} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8854 {{{hex}}}
{circlemiddledot} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8857 {{{hex}}}
{circlestile}  Yes   No ALT+SHIFT+8 9055 {{{hex}}}
, {comma}  Yes   No , 44 {{{hex}}}
{commabar} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9066 {{{hex}}}
{comment}  Yes   No ALT+, (Comma) 9053 {{{hex}}}
{commute} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9064 {{{hex}}}
{compose} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8728 {{{hex}}}}
{dagger}   No   No SHIFT+ALT+? 123 {{{hex}}}
{del}  Yes   No ALT+G 8711 {{{hex}}}
{delta}   No  Yes ALT+H 8710 {{{hex}}}
{deltaunderbar}   No  Yes ALT+SHIFT+H 9049 {{{hex}}}
{dex}  Yes   No ALT+\ 8866 {{{hex}}}
{diamond}  Yes   No ALT+` 8900 {{{hex}}}
¨ {dieresis}  Yes   No ALT+1 (One) 168 {{{hex}}}
× {direction}  Yes   No ALT+- (Minus) 215 {{{hex}}}
÷ {divide}  Yes   No ALT+= (Equal) 247 {{{hex}}}
{domino}  Yes   No ALT+SHIFT+= (Equal) 9017 {{{hex}}}
{downshoe} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8746 {{{hex}}}
{downshoestile}   No   No SHIFT+ALT+? 9062 {{{hex}}}
{downstile}  Yes   No ALT+D 8970 {{{hex}}}
{downtack}  Yes   No ALT+N 8868 {{{hex}}}
{drop}  Yes   No SHIFT+ALT+? 8595 {{{hex}}}
¨ {each} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 168 {{{hex}}}
{enclose} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8834 {{{hex}}}
{epsilon} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8714 {{{hex}}}
{epsilonunderbar}  Yes   No ALT+SHIFT+E 9079 {{{hex}}}
= {equal}  Yes   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 61 {{{hex}}}
{execute}  Yes   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9038 {{{hex}}}
! {factorial}  Yes   No SHIFT+1 (One) 33 {{{hex}}}
{find} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9079 {{{hex}}}
{floor}  Yes   No ALT+D 8970 {{{hex}}}
{format}  Yes   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9045 {{{hex}}}
Dual operator
  No   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9058 {{{hex}}}
greater than or equal
 Yes   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8805 {{{hex}}}
{goto}  Yes   No ALT+] 8594 {{{hex}}}
{gradedown} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9042 {{{hex}}}
{gradeup} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9035 {{{hex}}}
{iota}  Yes   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9075 {{{hex}}}
{iotaunderbar} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9080 {{{hex}}}
{jot} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8728 {{{hex}}}
{lamp}  Yes   No ALT+, (Comma) 9053 {{{hex}}}
less than or equal
 Yes   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8804 {{{hex}}}
{leftarrow}  Yes   No ALT+] 8592 {{{hex}}}
{ {leftbrace}   No   No [ 123 {{{hex}}}
{leftshoeunderbar} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8838 {{{hex}}}
{lefttack}  Yes   No ALT+SHIFT+\ 8867 {{{hex}}}
{lev}  Yes   No ALT+SHIFT+\ (Backslash) 8867 {{{hex}}}
{log}  Yes   No ALT+SHIFT+8 9055 {{{hex}}}
| {magnitude}  Yes   No SHIFT+\ (Backslash) 124 or 2223 {{{hex}}}
{match} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8801 {{{hex}}}
- {minus}  Yes   No + 45 {{{hex}}}
{mismatch} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8802 {{{hex}}}
| {mod}  Yes   No SHIFT+\ (Backslash) 124 or 2223 {{{hex}}}
× {multiply}  Yes   No ALT+- (Minus) 215 {{{hex}}}
{nand} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9074 {{{hex}}}
not equal
YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8800 {{{hex}}}
¯ {neg}  Yes   No ALT+2 175 {{{hex}}}
{nor}  Yes   No SHIFT+ALT+9 9073 {{{hex}}}
~ {not} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 126 {{{hex}}}
{omega}   No  Yes ALT+W 9077 {{{hex}}}
{or} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8744 {{{hex}}}
{pass}  Yes   No ALT+SHIFT+\ (Backslash) 8867 {{{hex}}}
π {pi} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 960 {{{hex}}}
{pick} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8835 {{{hex}}}
{pitimes}  Yes   No ALT+O (Letter O) 9675 {{{hex}}}
+ {plus}  Yes   No + 43 {{{hex}}}
* {power}  Yes   No SHIFT+8 42 {{{hex}}}
{quad}  Yes   No ALT+L 9109 {{{hex}}}
{quadslope}   No   No None 9026 {{{hex}}}
? {query}  Yes   No ? (Question Mark 63 {{{hex}}}
{quotequad}  Yes   No ALT+SHIFT+[ (Open Brace) 9054 {{{hex}}}
? {random}  Yes   No ? (Question Mark) 63 {{{hex}}}
{rank}  Yes   No ALT+SHIFT+J 9060 {{{hex}}}
{represent}  Yes   No ALT+N 8868 {{{hex}}}
| {residue}  Yes   No SHIFT+\ 124 or 2223 {{{hex}}}
{rho}  Yes   No ALT+R 9076 {{{hex}}}
{rightarrow}  Yes   No ALT+] (Close Brace) 8594 {{{hex}}}
} {rightbrace}   No   No ] 125 {{{hex}}}
{rightshoe} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8835 {{{hex}}}
{rightshoeunderbar} YesNo   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8839 {{{hex}}}
{righttack}  Yes   No ALT+\ (Backslash) 8866 {{{hex}}}
{root}  Yes   No ALT+SHIFT+R 8730 {{{hex}}}
{rotate}  Yes  No   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9021 {{{hex}}}
§ Multiset Symmetric Difference
 Yes   No ALT+SHIFT+S 167 {{{hex}}}
{shreik} {shreik}  Yes   No SHIFT+1 (One) 33 {{{hex}}}
× {sign}  Yes   No ALT+- (Minus) 215 {{{hex}}}
× {signum}  Yes   No ALT+- (Minus) 215 {{{hex}}}
{slashbar}  Yes  No   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9023 {{{hex}}}
{slopebar}  Yes  No   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9024 {{{hex}}}
{sourpuss}   No   No SHIFT+ALT+? 9059 {{{hex}}}
  No   No SHIFT+ALT+? 9057 {{{hex}}}
{squad}  Yes  No   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9015 {{{hex}}}
* {star}  Yes   No SHIFT+8 42 {{{hex}}}
| {stile}  Yes   No SHIFT+\ (Backslash) 124 or 2223 {{{hex}}}
{stop}  Yes   No ALT+\ (Backslash) 8866 {{{hex}}}
{take}  Yes   No ALT+Y 8593 {{{hex}}}
× {times}  Yes   No ALT+- (ALT Minus) 215 {{{hex}}}
{transpose}  Yes  No   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9033 {{{hex}}}
_ {underbar}   No  Yes SHIFT - (Minus) 0095 {{{hex}}}
{union}  Yes  No   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8746 {{{hex}}}
{uparrow}  Yes  No   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8593 {{{hex}}}
{upon}  Yes  No   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9061 {{{hex}}}
{upshoe}  Yes  No   No Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8745 {{{hex}}}
{upstile}  Yes   No ALT+S 8968 {{{hex}}}
{uptack}  Yes   No ALT+B 8869 {{{hex}}}
{zilde}  Yes   No ALT+SHIFT+] (Close Brace) 9068 {{{hex}}}

See Also: The language toolbar