Language Features
From NARS2000
At the moment, the following sections describe only those language features that are New or Enhanced relative to the Extended APL Standard, or that deserve special comment.
- Strand Assignment: (A1 A2 ... An)←R
- Modify Assignment: Af←R
- Modify Strand Assignment: (A1 A2 ... An)f←R
- Function/Operator Assignment: A←f, A←op1, A←op2
- Sink: ←R
- Point Notation:
- Base — 16b10FFFF as a shorthand for 16⊥1 0 15 15 15 15
- Pi — 2p3 as a shorthand for 2π3 or 2×(○1)*3
- Euler — 2x3 as a shorthand for 2e3 or 2×(*1)*3.
- Trains: e.g., avg←(+/ ÷ >) applies the functions to its argument(s) in a particular way (in this case, to compute the average of a numeric vector).
- System Labels: ⎕PRO and ⎕ID in user-defined functions/operators.
Primitive functions
- Find: L⍷R
- Index Generator: ⍳R
- Index Of: L⍳R
- Indexing: R[L], R[L]←A, R[L]f←A, L⌷R, L⍉R, L⊃R
- Indices: ⍸R
- Matrix Inverse/Divide: ⌹R, L⌹R
- Mismatch: L≢R
- Partitioned Enclose: L⊂[X] R
- Primes: πR and LπR
- Reshape: L⍴R
- Root: √R and L√R
- Sequence: L..R
- Tally: >R
- Without: L~R
Primitive operators
- Axis: f[X], f op1[X], f op2[X]g
- Composition: f⍥g
- Compose: f∘g, f∘R, L∘g
- Multisets: f⍦
- Null: f⊙
- Rank: f⍤[X] Y
- Infinity: ∞ and ¯∞
- Arithmetic Progression Arrays: 2 3 4⍴⍳24
- Unicode Characters
- Array Predicates
- Rational Numbers: 1r3 and 12345x
- Variable-precision Floating Point (VFP) Numbers: 1v234 and 12v
System Commands
System Commands provide features to the user of the APL system, separate from actual workspaces, variables or APL operators. These provide such features as accessing files, saving a workspace, and exiting the APL interpreter. The commands are not case sensitive, so )IN and )in do the same thing.
NARS2000 currently has the following system commands:
System Functions
- ⎕A (Uppercase English Alphabet)
- ⎕AT (Object Attributes)
- ⎕AV (Atomic Vector)
- ⎕CR (Canonical Representation)
- ⎕DM (Diagnostic Message)
- ⎕DR (Data Representation)
- ⎕EA (Execute Alternate)
- ⎕EC (Execute Controlled)
- ⎕EM (Event Message)
- ⎕ERROR (Signal Error)
- ⎕ES (Event Simulate)
- ⎕ET (Event Type)
- ⎕FMT (Format)
- ⎕MF (Monitor Function)
- ⎕Nxxx (Native File Functions)
- ⎕NC (Name Class)
- ⎕NL (Name List)
- ⎕SYSID (System Identifier)
- ⎕SYSVER (System Version)
- ⎕TC/⎕TCxxx (Terminal Control)
- ⎕TF (Transfer Form)
- ⎕UCS (Universal Character Set)
- ⎕VR (Visual Representation)
- ⎕WA (Workspace Available)
System Variables
- Scalar System Variables (⎕CT, ⎕IO, ⎕FPC, ⎕PP, ⎕PW, ⎕RL)
- ⎕ELX (Error Trapping)
- ⎕FC (Format Control)
- ⎕FPC (Floating Point Control)
- ⎕IC (Indeterminate Control)