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* [[dyadic]] (accepts two arguments)
* [[dyadic]] (accepts two arguments)
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[[Category:Dyadic operators]]

Latest revision as of 18:24, 13 October 2019

A dyadic function is one that takes an argument on the left and right of the function. Here is an example of a dyadic function named deal to deal hands of cards:
    ∇ k ← count deal cards;c
[1]   c ← count
[2]   k ←''
[3]   Q:
[4]   k ← k, cards ? 52
[5]   c ← c-1
[6]   →(c>0)/Q
[7]   k←count cards ⍴ k
So an execution of this function to deal 6 hands of 7 cards could produce the following:
      6 deal 7
 28  1  8 24 32 47 27
 38 46  1 43  3 40  7
 47 28 26  7 39  2 37
 36 12 48 46 47 31 13
 24 52 13 25 20 30 47
 23 25 43 21 15 52 14

The numbers generated would have to be related to a rank and suit to display a particular card.

Some system functions are dyadic, in that you may present them one argument on each side of the function name, and it may return a value. The ⎕FMT function provides specialized formatting when used as a dyadic function.

See Also

See Also
System Commands System Variables and Functions Operators

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Key ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
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Key q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \
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Key a s d f g h j k l ; '
Alt+Shift χ
Shift Z X C V B N M < > ?
Key z x c v b n m , . /
NARS 2000 Lang
+ - × ÷ * ! ? |
< = >
~ § π .. ,
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_ ¯
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