Creating New System Functions
23:13 UTC
NARS2000 Creating New Quad System Functions |
Who Should Be Reading This Page
If you are an APL'er, an APL programmer or APL developer - this page may not be right for you. This page is for Developers who want to implement a new Quad or ⎕ command using the C/C++ language in NARS source code. Given that NARS source code is over a quarter million lines of highly evolved source code, it is helpful to have several starting points to work from, whether you are a gifted C++/C programmer, PHP programmer, Bison programmer or a relative newcomer to NARS source code. The basic premise is that you have an idea for a new Quad system function command for APL/NARS and wish to implement it, add it to NARS functionality. This page is a starting conceptual and reference point.
Helpful Starting Point Perspectives
Visually scan or browse the Build notes found in the ReleaseNotes subfolder, normally located in C:\NARS2000\trunk\ReleaseNotes using a text or string scanner program such as Windows File Explorer with its Search text box. Multiple time-lapsed prior examples of adding system functions should appear in those previous Build notes. Search for the specific text string, "system function" and there should be a number of references found/listed. These references give an idea of which files frequently need to be modified, including much about what you will need to do. For example, file <sysvars.c> contains code locations where all system variables and functions hook into the system - a primary symbol tables reference, an interpreter-table-of-contents file. You will further need to define a new c file for your system function, e.g. <qf_cmd.c> or <qf_menus.c> or <qf_grfx.c> or a similar name. Defining any new file also requires some specific changes such as new entries in <compro.h>, <makefile.src>, and <>. You'll also need to change <NARS2000.vcxproj> which you can do through Visual Studios 20xx GUI or IDE(integrated developer's environment). Try to maintain a list of the various files you edit/change because if NARS subsequently moves to a new release and you need to synch with it, it is helpful to know which files you modified - to synch plus reinstate, to bring forward your local changes.
For example, in C:\NARS2000\trunk\ReleaseNotes\Notes-1295.txt system function Quad T or ⎕T was created and implemented, to return a Tick Count for time-sensitive APL subroutine stop-watch timing purposes. The following seven files were edited/affected by the addition of system function ⎕T into NARS2000.exe. Listed below are edited notations extracted from <Notes-1295.txt>:
COMPRO.H: #1 Include <> in the list of prototype files. MAKEFILE.INC: #2 MAKEFILE.SRC: #3 NARS2000.32.VCPROJ: #4 NARS2000.64.VCPROJ: #5 Include <qf_t.c> in the list of source files. #6 QF_T.C #6(again) Implement []T. SYSVARS.C: #7 Include []T in the list of niladic system functions.
Note above how filenames edited/changed were kept track of, including general notes on what was performed including the purpose of the revision/edit-change by the System Developer. This filename + purpose tracking along with associated note keeping is considered good programming, a best developer practice. Such detailed record-keeping makes program flow and source-code maintenance much easier to follow and subsequently revise as needed.
Continuing with the formation or genesis process re system function ⎕T example just above, viewing(using a standard text editor such as notepad.exe) file <qf_t.c> which is the central ⎕T function-defining c file, you will note that the mnemonic(see #General Reference Notes) for ⎕T is SysFnT_EM_YY. A File Explorer search for string SysFnT_EM_YY will bring up primarily two found-in files, <qf_t.c> and <sysvars.c>.
Therefore we may conclude or determine - that operational functionality for this particular system function ⎕T was contained in just two files. The other five affected files, and not to be ignored, were impacted for overall programming structural integrity, potential debugging/compilation, and NARS2000 overall modeling purposes. Not every System Function impacts or requires so few files, but ⎕T is a solid 'minimal impact elsewhere' System Function example.
Source Code Conventions and Abbreviations Dictionary
NARS C source code contains many abbreviations. To better understand NARS source code and or to better understand a source code process, particularly if you are new to looking at or working with its C source code, view C Source Code Conventions and Abbreviations Dictionary here.
<sysvars.c> Reference Table
All ⎕ System Variables and System Functions, per system reference table (7 column table) are listed/defined within file <sysvars.c>. Quad T's entry is extracted just below. The sysvars table helps APL's interpreter understand "how" to handle each quad system variable and function, how each is "supposed to operate"; thus helping the Interpreter identify syntax errors, valence errors, domain errors, etc.
⎕T's entry(within niladic system functions grouping) in table:
SysName | Valence | Var? | Std? | Exec Routine(name) | Sys_Vars | Descr |
QUAD L"t" | 0 | FALSE | FALSE | SysFnT_EM_YY | 0 | High Resolution Time |
Every APL/APL2 Quad System Variable and Quad System Function(niladic, monadic and dyadic) has an entry in the <sysvars.c> table. System function ⎕T, because it is niladic, has a zero valence; it is not a System Variable(False); it has a function mnemonic or calling name = SysFnT_EM_YY; it uses zero system variables.
Setting Up for Cross-Reference Call To Another APL or System Function
In creating a new System Function or even a new APL function, it can be useful to call another already established APL or system function to perform part of the new pre-processing-configuration-setup or post-close-done requirements. One of the frequently encountered parameters to nearly every function call is a parameter usually named lptkFunc or tkFcn - known variously as line pointer to a token function or just token function. tkFcn will be potentially needed in the soon-to-be-called function in case it mandates use for something else; it represents sort of a dynamically changing location-operation recognition tracker. As an analogy, Windows operating system uses a program registration process(ref. regedit); NARS uses token-functions.
From file <pf_uarrow.c>, the following lines were extracted:
TOKEN tkFcn = {0}; // Function token [...] // Setup a token for use in calling the {rho, the shape of} function: tkFcn.tkFlags.TknType = TKT_FCNIMMED; tkFcn.tkFlags.ImmType = IMMTYPE_PRIMFCN; ////tkFcn.tkFlags.NoDisplay = FALSE; // Already zero from = {0} tkFcn.tkData.tkChar = UTF16_RHO; // Unicode transformation format, 16-bit-coding for Rho - identifying the function/operator being called. tkFcn.tkCharIndex = lptkFunc->tkCharIndex; // Standard caret pointer
In order to cross calculate ⍴R(the shape of right hand argument variable R - tkFcn/UTF16_RHO is passed in the above example to up-arrow - the APL take function). Another reference to <lptkFunc> would be similar to function tokening use above, but say to the LeftShoe symbol (UTF16_LEFTSHOE or APL's ⊂ enclose symbol). An often used element of the function token is <tkCharIndex> which is used as the caret pointer in case an error occurs and an error message would then be formed into ⎕DM and )SI, workspace state indicator would get set. The function token structure is key to allowing APL's interpreter know how to keep track of where the program is processing-at and, as needed, correctly report errors.
For the full list of available UTF16_* variables, see file <symbolnames.h>.
Source Code Derived List of APL System Functions
Source Code List of NARS Quad ⎕ System Functions, per qf_*.c Files Derivative. Sys Fcn Ct=31. Snapshot as of 7/26/15:
QuadFcn c FileName | APL System Function | Mnemonic Exec Name | c FileSize | Subordinate Monadic-Dyadic Name | Cross Refs, Magic Functions, Misc. | Function Type (sysvars.c) | Description (sysvars.c) | |
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_a.c | ||||||||
⎕A | SysFnA_EM_YY | 3,151 | Niladic | Alphabet | ||||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_at.c | ||||||||
⎕AT | SysFnAT_EM_YY | 44,356 | SysFnMonAT_EM_YY SysFnDydAT_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Attributes | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_av.c | ||||||||
⎕AV | SysFnAV_EM_YY | 5,188 | Niladic | Atomic Vector | ||||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_cr.c | ||||||||
⎕CR | SysFnCR_EM_YY | 33,687 | SysFnMonCR_EM_YY SysFnDydCR_EM_YY SysFnCR_Common_EM_YY SysFnMon_CR_EM_YY SysFnCR_Copy_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Canonical Representation | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_d.c | ||||||||
⎕D | SysFnD_EM_YY | 3,149 | Niladic | Digits | ||||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_dl.c | ||||||||
⎕DL | SysFnDL_EM_YY | 8,265 | SysFnMonDL_EM_YY SysFnDydDL_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Delay Execution | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_dr.c | ||||||||
⎕DR | SysFnDR_EM_YY | 49,334 | SysFnMonDR_EM_YY SysFnDydDR_EM_YY SysFnDR_Show_EM_YY SysFnDR_Convert_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Data Representation | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_ea.c | ||||||||
⎕EA | SysFnEA_EM_YY | 9,565 | SysFnMonEA_EM_YY SysFnDydEA_EM_YY | PrimFnMonUpTackJotCommon_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Execute Alternate | ||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_ec.c | ||||||||
⎕EC | SysFnEC_EM_YY | 17,469 | SysFnMonEC_EM_YY SysFnDydEC_EM_YY | PrimFnMonUpTackJotCommon_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Execute Controlled | ||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_em.c | ||||||||
⎕EM | SysFnEM_EM_YY | 3,106 | Niladic | Event Message | ||||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_error.c | ||||||||
⎕ERROR | SysFnERROR_EM_YY | 7,129 | SysFnMonERROR_EM_YY SysFnDydERROR_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Signal Error | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_es.c | ||||||||
⎕ES | SysFnES_EM_YY | 18,322 | SysFnMonES_EM_YY SysFnDydES_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Event Simulate | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_et.c | ||||||||
⎕ET | SysFnET_EM_YY | 6,645 | Niladic | Event Type | ||||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_ex.c | ||||||||
⎕EX | SysFnEX_EM_YY | 23,537 | SysFnMonEX_EM_YY SysFnDydEX_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Expunge Names | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_fmt.c | ||||||||
⎕FMT | SysFnFMT_EM_YY | 108,506 | SysFnMonFMT_EM_YY SysFnDydFMT_EM_YY | ExecuteMagicFunction_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Format | ||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_fx.c | ||||||||
⎕FX | SysFnFX_EM_YY | 18,028 | SysFnMonFX_EM_YY SysFnDydFX_EM_YY SysFnMon_FX_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Function Fix | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_host.c | ||||||||
⎕HOST | SysFnHOST_EM_YY | 10,905 | SysFnMonHOST_EM_YY SysFnDydHOST_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Launch Programs on Host OS | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_lc.c | ||||||||
⎕LC | SysFnLC_EM_YY | 5,679 | Niladic | Line Counter | ||||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_mf.c | ||||||||
⎕MF | SysFnMF_EM_YY | 38,096 | SysFnMonMF_EM_YY SysFnDydMF_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Monitor Function | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_nc.c | ||||||||
⎕NC | SysFnNC_EM_YY | 20,952 | SysFnMonNC_EM_YY SysFnDydNC_EM_YY | <SysFnDydNL_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Name Classification | ||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_nfns.c | ||||||||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_nl.c | ||||||||
⎕NL | SysFnNL_EM_YY | 17,698 | SysFnMonNL_EM_YY SysFnDydNL_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Name List | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_sysid.c | ||||||||
⎕SYSID | SysFnSYSID_EM_YY | 4,826 | Niladic | System Identifier | ||||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_sysver.c | ||||||||
⎕SYSVER | SysFnSYSVER_EM_YY | 8,556 | Niladic | System Version | ||||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_t.c | ||||||||
⎕T | SysFnT_EM_YY | 3,542 | SysFnD_EM_YY | Niladic | High Resolution Time | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_tc.c | ||||||||
⎕TC | SysFnTC_EM_YY | 12,390 | SysFnTCCom_EM_YY SysFnTCCOM_EM_YY SysFnTCBEL_EM_YY SysFnTCBS_EM_YY SysFnTCESC_EM_YY SysFnTCFF_EM_YY SysFnTCHT_EM_YY SysFnTCLF_EM_YY SysFnTCNL_EM_YY SysFnTCNUL_EM_YY | Niladic | Terminal Control Characters | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_tf.c | ||||||||
⎕TF | SysFnTF_EM_YY | 53,263 | SysFnMonTF_EM_YY SysFnDydTF_EM_YY SysFnDydTF1_EM_YY SysFnDydTF2_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Transfer Form | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_ts.c | ||||||||
⎕TS | SysFnTS_EM_YY | 5,165 | Niladic | Time Stamp | ||||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_ucs.c | ||||||||
⎕UCS | SysFnUCS_EM_YY | 23,003 | SysFnMonUCS_EM_YY SysFnDydUCS_EM_YY SysnMonUCS_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Universal Character Set | |||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_vr.c | ||||||||
⎕VR | SysFnVR_EM_YY | 5,624 | SysFnMonVR_EM_YY SysFnDydVR_EM_YY | ExecuteMagicFunction_EM_YY | Monadic or Dyadic | Vector Representation of a Function | ||
C:\NARS2000\trunk\qf_wa.c | ||||||||
⎕WA | SysFnWA_EM_YY | 3,367 | Niladic | Workspace Available |
Magic Function C Header File vs APL - a Comparison
Extract from NARS file C:\NARS2000\trunk\mf_quadvr.h for System Function ⎕VR (C source code header file, just below):
//*************************************************************************** // Magic function/operator for Monadic []VR // // Monadic []VR -- Visual Representation // // Return a visual representation of a user-defined function/operator //*************************************************************************** static APLCHAR MonHeaderVR[] = L"Z←" MFON_MonVR L" R;L;⎕IO"; static APLCHAR MonLineVR1[] = L"⎕IO←0 ⋄ Z←1 ##.⎕CR R"; static APLCHAR MonLineVR2[] = L"→(0≠⍴Z)/L1 ⋄ Z←'' ⋄ →0"; static APLCHAR MonLineVR3[] = L"L1:→(1=≡Z)/0"; static APLCHAR MonLineVR4[] = L"L←'∇'∊0⊃Z"; static APLCHAR MonLineVR5[] = L"Z←(∊((⊂[1]'LO< ∇>P<[>Q<]>I6' ⎕FMT⍳⍴Z),¨Z),¨⎕TCNL),' ∇'"; static APLCHAR MonLineVR6[] = L"→L/0 ⋄ Z←Z,(' ',⍕2 ##.⎕AT R),' (UTC)'"; static LPAPLCHAR MonBodyVR[] = {MonLineVR1, MonLineVR2, MonLineVR3, MonLineVR4, MonLineVR5, MonLineVR6, }; MAGIC_FCNOPR MFO_MonVR = {MonHeaderVR, MonBodyVR, countof (MonBodyVR), };
⎕VR - APL monadic function named MFON_MonVR(just below):
⎕CR 'MFON_MonVR' Z←MFON_MonVR R;L;⎕IO ⎕IO←0 ⋄ Z←1 ##.⎕CR R →(0≠⍴Z)/L1 ⋄ Z←'' ⋄ →0 L1:→(1=≡Z)/0 L←'∇'∊0⊃Z Z←(∊((⊂[1]'LO< ∇>P<[>Q<]>I6' ⎕FMT⍳⍴Z),¨Z),¨⎕TCNL),' ∇' →L/0 ⋄ Z←Z,(' ',⍕2 ##.⎕AT R),' (UTC)'
Note the displaced lines yes, but great/identical similarity exists between the UTF-8 C source code header file and the actual APL function MFON_MonVR. In a very real sense, APL source code was imported directly into C source code via a header file, using a magic function. Hence the term magic since APL magically gets executed inside a compiled C program. This is somewhat code-wise equivalent to using the ⍎(execute) function in APL. Technically the APL simulation in C was made possible and accomplished via re-formatting the ⎕CR representation of an APL function, placing it into a C source code header file, and using PHP in the NARS2000 project model. Also technically, note the use of L" in the header file at the front of several lines - the presence of the prefix L in C source code indicates Unicode string to the C compiler.
Ref. also System Function ⎕VR and System Function ⎕CR
For Magic Functions: In addition to creating a header file such as mf_quadvr.h, magic function header files need reference via a caller file such as qf_vr.c. Also, referencing table entries may frequently be required in files execmfn.h and execmfn.c within the \trunk folder.
C Source List of APL Functions
C Source List of APL Functions with Cross References (per C:\NARS2000\trunk\pf_*.c) as of 7/26/15:
NARS C Source File | APL Name | C Funct Name | Subordinate Monadic and or Dyadic Name | Cross References, Protos and Renames |
pf_bar.c | Bar | PrimFnBar_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY | |
pf_circle.c | Circle | PrimFnCircle_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY | |
pf_colonbar.c | ColonBar | PrimFnColonBar_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY | |
pf_comma.c | Comma | PrimFnComma_EM_YY | PrimFnMonComma_EM_YY, PrimFnDydComma_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnComma_EM_YY, PrimFnMonCommaScalar_EM_YY, PrimFnMonCommaGlb_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnComma_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimFnDydSlash_EM_YY |
pf_cslope.c | CircleSlope | PrimFnCircleSlope_EM_YY | PrimFnMonCircleSlope_EM_YY, PrimFnDydCircleSlope_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnCircleSlope_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnCircleSlope_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimFnMonIota_EM_YY |
pf_cstar.c | CircleStar | PrimFnCircleStar_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY | |
pf_cstile.c | CircleStile | PrimFnCircleStile_EM_YY | PrimFnMonCircleStile_EM_YY, PrimFnDydCircleStile_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnCircleStile_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnCircleStile_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY |
pf_darrow.c | DownArrow | PrimFnDownArrow_EM_YY | PrimFnMonDownArrow_EM_YY, PrimFnDydDownArrow_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnDownArrow_EM_YY, PrimIdentDownArrow_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnDownArrow_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY |
pf_dcaret.c | DownCaret | PrimFnDownCaret_EM_YY | PrimFnDyd_EM_YY, PrimFnMon_EM_YY | |
pf_deltastile.c | DeltaStile | PrimFnDeltaStile_EM_YY | PrimFnMonGradeCommon_EM_YY, PrimFnDydGradeCommon_EM_YY, PrimFnDelStile_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnDeltaStile_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnDelStile_EM_YY | |
pf_domino.c | Domino | PrimFnDomino_EM_YY | PrimFnMonDomino_EM_YY, PrimFnDydDomino_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnDomino_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnDomino_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, ExecuteMagicFunction_EM_YY |
pf_dotdot.c | DotDot | PrimFnDotDot_EM_YY | PrimFnMonDotDot_EM_YY, PrimFnDydDotDot_EM_YY, PrimFnDydDotDotNested_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnDotDot_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, ExecuteMagicFunction_EM_YY |
pf_dshoe.c | DownShoe | PrimFnDownShoe_EM_YY | PrimFnMonDownShoe_EM_YY, PrimFnDydDownShoe_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnDownShoe_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnDownShoe_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimFnMonGradeCommon_EM_YY, ExecuteMagicFunction_EM_YY |
pf_dstile.c | DownStile | PrimFnDownStile_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY | |
pf_dtack.c | DownTack | PrimFnDownTack_EM_YY | PrimFnMonDownTack_EM_YY, PrimFnDydDownTack_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnDownTack_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnDownTack_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimFnDydUpTack_EM_YY |
pf_dtackjot.c | DownTackJot | PrimFnDownTackJot_EM_YY | PrimFnMonDownTackJot_EM_YY, PrimFnDydDownTackJot_EM_YY, PrimFnDydDownTackJotFBE_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnDownTackJot_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY |
pf_epsilon.c | Epsilon | PrimFnEpsilon_EM_YY | PrimFnMonEpsilon_EM_YY, PrimFnDydEpsilon_EM_YY, PrimFnMonEpsilonGlb_EM_YY, PrimFnMonEpsilonImm_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnEpsilon_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimFnMonGradeCommon_EM_YY, PrimFnDydEqualUnderbar_EM_YY |
pf_epsund.c | EpsilonUnderbar | PrimFnEpsilonUnderbar_EM_YY | PrimFnMonEpsilonUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimFnDydEpsilonUnderbar_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnEpsilonUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimFnDydEqualUnderbar_EM_YY, ExecuteMagicFunction_EM_YY |
pf_equal.c | Equal | PrimFnEqual_EM_YY | PrimFnDyd_EM_YY, PrimFnMon_EM_YY | |
pf_equalund.c | EqualUnderbar NotEqualUnderbar | PrimFnEqualUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimFnNotEqualUnderbar_EM_YY | PrimFnMonEqualUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimFnDydEqualUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimFnMonNotEqualUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimFnDydNotEqualUnderbar_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnEqualUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnNotEqualUnderbar_EM_YY |
pf_index.c | Assignment | ArrayIndexRef_EM_YY | ArrayIndexRef_EM_YY, ArrayIndexRefLstImm_EM_YY, ArrayIndexRefLstSimpGlb_EM_YY, ArrayIndexRefNamImmed_EM_YY, PrimFnDydSquadGlb_EM_YY, PrimFnMonRightShoe_EM_YY, PrimFnDydRightShoeGlbGlb_EM_YY, ArrayIndexRefRect_EM_YY, ListIndexRef_EM_YY, PrimFnMonLeftShoeGlb_EM_YY, PrimFnMonRho_EM_YY, PrimFnDydRho_EM_YY, ExecFuncStr_EM_YY | |
pf_iota.c | Iota | PrimFnIota_EM_YY | PrimFnMonIota_EM_YY, PrimFnDydIota_EM_YY, PrimFnMonIotaVector_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnIota_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, ExecuteMagicFunction_EM_YY, PrimFnMonGradeCommon_EM_YY, PrimFnDydEqualUnderbar_EM_YY |
pf_iotaund.c | IotaUnderbar | PrimFnIotaUnderbar_EM_YY | PrimFnMonIotaUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimFnDydIotaUnderbar_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnIotaUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, ExecuteMagicFunction_EM_YY |
pf_lcaret.c | LeftCaret | PrimFnLeftCaret_EM_YY | PrimFnDyd_EM_YY, PrimFnMon_EM_YY | |
pf_lcaretund.c | LeftCaretUnderbar | PrimFnLeftCaretUnderbar_EM_YY | PrimFnDyd_EM_YY, PrimFnMon_EM_YY | |
pf_lshoe.c | LeftShoe | PrimFnLeftShoe_EM_YY | PrimFnMonLeftShoe_EM_YY, PrimFnDydLeftShoe_EM_YY, PrimFnMonLeftShoeGlb_EM_YY, PrimFnMonLeftShoeCon_EM_YY, PrimFnDydLeftShoeGlb_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnLeftShoe_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY |
pf_lshoeund.c | LeftShoeUnderbar | PrimFnLeftShoeUnderbar_EM_YY | PrimFnMonLeftShoeUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimFnDydLeftShoeUnderbar_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnLeftShoeUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, ExecuteMagicFunction_EM_YY |
pf_ltack.c | LeftTack | PrimFnLeftTack_EM_YY | PrimFnMonLeftTack_EM_YY, PrimFnDydLeftTack_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnLeftTack_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY |
pf_ndcaret.c | DownCaretTilde | PrimFnDownCaretTilde_EM_YY | PrimFnDyd_EM_YY, PrimFnMon_EM_YY | |
pf_nequal.c | NotEqual | PrimFnNotEqual_EM_YY | PrimFnDyd_EM_YY, PrimFnMon_EM_YY | |
pf_nucaret.c | UpCaretTilde | PrimFnUpCaretTilde_EM_YY | PrimFnDyd_EM_YY, PrimFnMon_EM_YY | |
pf_pi.c | Pi | PrimFnPi_EM_YY | PrimFnMonPi_EM_YY, PrimFnDydPi_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnPi_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnScalar_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY |
pf_plus.c | Plus | PrimFnPlus_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY | |
pf_qdot.c | QuoteDot | PrimFnQuoteDot_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY | |
pf_query.c | Query | PrimFnQuery_EM_YY | PrimFnDydQuery_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnQuery_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnScalar_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY |
pf_rcaret.c | RightCaret | PrimFnRightCaret_EM_YY | PrimFnMonRightCaret_EM_YY | PrimFnDyd_EM_YY |
pf_rcaretund.c | RightCaretUnderbar | PrimFnRightCaretUnderbar_EM_YY | PrimFnDyd_EM_YY, PrimFnMon_EM_YY | |
pf_rho.c | Rho | PrimFnRho_EM_YY | PrimFnMonRho_EM_YY, PrimFnDydRho_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnRho_EM_YY, PrimFnMonRhoGlb_EM_YY, PrimFnMonRhoCon_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnRho_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY |
pf_root.c | Root | PrimFnRoot_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY | |
pf_rshoe.c | RightShoe | PrimFnRightShoe_EM_YY | PrimFnMonRightShoe_EM_YY, PrimFnDydRightShoe_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnRightShoe_EM_YY, PrimFnMonRightShoeGlb_EM_YY, PrimFnMonRightShoeCon_EM_YY, PrimFnDydRightShoeGlb_EM_YY, PrimFnDydRightShoeImm_EM_YY, PrimFnDydRightShoeImmGlb_EM_YY, PrimFnDydRightShoeGlbGlb_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnRightShoe_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimFnDydCircleSlope_EM_YY |
pf_rshoeund.c | RightShoeUnderbar | PrimFnRightShoeUnderbar_EM_YY | PrimFnMonRightShoeUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimFnDydRightShoeUnderbar_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnRightShoeUnderbar_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, ExecuteMagicFunction_EM_YY |
pf_rtack.c | RightTack | PrimFnRightTack_EM_YY | PrimFnMonRightTack_EM_YY, PrimFnDydRightTack_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnRightTack_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimFnDydUpTack_EM_YY, PrimFnDydDownTack_EM_YY |
pf_section.c | Section | PrimFnSection_EM_YY | PrimFnMonSection_EM_YY, PrimFnDydSection_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnSection_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnSection_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, ExecuteMagicFunction_EM_YY |
pf_slash.c | Slash | PrimFnSlash_EM_YY | PrimFnMonSlash_EM_YY, PrimFnDydSlash_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnSlash_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY |
pf_slope.c | Slope | PrimFnSlope_EM_YY | PrimFnMonSlope_EM_YY, PrimFnDydSlope_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnSlope_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY |
pf_squad.c | Squad | PrimFnSquad_EM_YY | PrimFnMonSquad_EM_YY, PrimFnDydSquad_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnSquad_EM_YY, PrimFnDydSquadGlb_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnSquad_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimFnMonRho_EM_YY, ArrayIndexRef_EM_YY, PrimFnMonIota_EM_YY |
pf_star.c | Star | PrimFnStar_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY | |
pf_stile.c | Stile | PrimFnStile_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY | |
pf_tilde.c | Tilde | PrimFnTilde_EM_YY | PrimFnDydTilde_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnTilde_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnTilde_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnScalar_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimFnDydEpsilon_EM_YY, PrimFnDydSlash_EM_YY |
pf_times.c | Times | PrimFnTimes_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY | |
pf_uarrow.c | UpArrow | PrimFnUpArrow_EM_YY | PrimFnMonUpArrow_EM_YY, PrimFnDydUpArrow_EM_YY, PrimIdentFnUpArrow_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnUpArrow_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimFnMonRho_EM_YY, ArrayIndexRef_EM_YY |
pf_ucaret.c | UpCaret | PrimFnUpCaret_EM_YY | PrimFnDyd_EM_YY, PrimFnMon_EM_YY | |
pf_ushoe.c | UpShoe | PrimFnUpShoe_EM_YY | PrimFnMonUpShoe_EM_YY, PrimFnDydUpShoe_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnUpShoe_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, ExecuteMagicFunction_EM_YY |
pf_ustile.c | UpStile | PrimFnUpStile_EM_YY | PrimFnMon_EM_YY, PrimFnDyd_EM_YY | |
pf_utack.c | UpTack | PrimFnUpTack_EM_YY | PrimFnMonUpTack_EM_YY, PrimFnDydUpTack_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnUpTack_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY |
pf_utackjot.c | UpTackJot | PrimFnUpTackJot_EM_YY | PrimFnMonUpTackJot_EM_YY, PrimFnDydUpTackJot_EM_YY, PrimFnMonUpTackJotImm_EM_YY, PrimFnMonUpTackJotGlb_EM_YY, PrimFnMonUpTackJotCommon_EM_YY | PrimProtoFnUpTackJot_EM_YY, PrimProtoFnMixed_EM_YY, PrimFnMonUpTackGlb_EM_YY |
General Reference Notes
Notation Convention on this wiki page: Unless otherwise specified all file names used on this page will exclude their path which is C:\NARS2000\trunk\.
Every programming language uses at least two primary concepts 1) mnemonics and 2) a syntax to implement that language. NARS is no different. Every NARS quad system command has an associated mnemonic or reference name. For example, Quad CR or ⎕ CR - Canononical Representation - uses mnemonic SysFnCR_EM_YY, as found in its definition file qf_cr.c. Quad FX or ⎕ FX - Fix or Function eXecute - uses mnemonic SysFnFX_EM_YY, per file qf_fx.c. Note the similarity in file naming conventions for both c files.
Several Quad functions have been implemented using PHP magic functions, for example Quad VR or ⎕ VR - Visual Representation - uses mnemonic SysFnVR_EM_YY, per definition file qf_vr.c. However, Quad VR also has an additional PHP magic header file called in this case mf_quadvr.h. Quad FMT is similarly coded using a PHP magic function header file.