Frequently Used TypeDef Structures and Variables: Difference between revisions

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(→‎tkToken Structures More Detailed Sample Uses Table: corrected vertical bar as amp pound 124 semicolon or |)
Line 261: Line 261:
| pf_index.c|| 127|| lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = CopySymGlbDirAsGlb (hGlbNam);
| pf_index.c|| 127|| lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = CopySymGlbDirAsGlb (hGlbNam);
| pf_index.c|| 591|| *((LPAPLBOOL) lpMemRes) |= lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkBoolean << uBitIndex;
| pf_index.c|| 591|| *((LPAPLBOOL) lpMemRes) &#124;= lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkBoolean << uBitIndex;
| pf_index.c|| 604|| *((LPAPLINT) lpMemRes)++ = lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger;
| pf_index.c|| 604|| *((LPAPLINT) lpMemRes)++ = lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger;
Line 333: Line 333:
| pf_uarrow.c|| 232|| lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = CopySymGlbNumDir_PTB (lpSymGlb, aplTypeRht, lptkFunc);
| pf_uarrow.c|| 232|| lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = CopySymGlbNumDir_PTB (lpSymGlb, aplTypeRht, lptkFunc);
| pf_utackjot.c|| 379|| lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.NoDisplay |= (exitType EQ EXITTYPE_NODISPLAY);
| pf_utackjot.c|| 379|| lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.NoDisplay &#124;= (exitType EQ EXITTYPE_NODISPLAY);

Revision as of 14:13, 18 August 2015

NARS C Source Code Frequently Used TypeDef Structures and Variables:

NARS has multiple frequently used TypeDefs, Structures, Type-Variables and Variables. Familiarity with these structures, including variables employed, is essential toward gaining increased understanding of how NARS C source code works, including insight into C program flow.



Full definition for typedef LPPL_YYTYPE: found in file <pl_parse.h>. Partial, extracted, compiler-directives-excluded/simplified definition:

typedef struct tagPL_YYSTYPE        // YYSTYPE for ParseLine
    // N.B.:  The first item in this struct *MUST* be the TOKEN
    //   because when we pass it as an argument to an LPPRIMFNS
    //   we might need it to be an LPPL_YYSTYPE (for a function strand)
    //   or an LPTOKEN (single function).
    TOKEN   tkToken;                // 00:  Token info (28 bytes)
    UINT    TknCount;               // 1C:  Count of adjacent tokens including this one
    UINT    YYInuse:1,              // 20:  00000001:  This entry is in use
            YYIndirect:1,           //      00000002:  Arg is indirect
            YYPerm:1,               //      00000004:  Item is permanent, don't free
            YYStranding:1,          //      00000008:  Item is in the process of being stranded
            :28;                    //      FFFFFFF0:  Available bits

    struct tagPL_YYSTYPE
           *lpYYFcnBase,            // 24:  Ptr to base function/operator
                                    //      Not valid outside the enclosing
                                    //        invocation of ParseLine
           *lpYYStrandBase,         // 28:  Ptr to this token's strand base
           *lpplYYArgCurry,         // 2C:  Ptr to left argument curry
           *lpplYYIdxCurry,         // 30:  Ptr to axis curry
           *lpplYYFcnCurry,         // 34:  ...         function ...
           *lpplYYOpRCurry;         // 38:  ...    right operand ...
    LPTOKEN lptkLftBrace,           // 3C:  Ptr to the AFO's left brace token
            lptkRhtBrace;           // 40:  ...              right ...
                                    // 44:  Length
} PL_YYSTYPE, *LPPL_YYSTYPE;        // Data type of yacc stack; most frequently used is LPPL_YYSTYPE, long pointer to the above structure.
  • In the above code snippet note the nested struct formation. Inner struct tagPL_YYSTYPE resides within code confines of outer struct same-name tagPL_YYSTYPE. This formation parallels nicely with APL's workspace State Indicator )SI intrinsic Interpreter design feature which is used for APL-programmer debugging purposes.

  • For ⎕ System Function and Primary APL Function calls, the above typedef is the normal or the expected - returned value-group, the returned value-set structure. Further, since NARS by its very nature handles nested arrays, the above structure similarly manages nested data arrays well. In case it is not obvious to anyone reading this web page or examining NARS source code - NARS represents a highly evolved, data-fluid, APL Interpreter with a full, rich symbol-set programming environment.

LPPL_YYSTYPE is customarily used as a variable-type, as per the following:

   LPPL_YYSTYPE lpYYRes = NULL,    // initialize, lpYYRes will be Ptr to result of a ⎕ quad System Function or Primary APL Function call

and macro YYAlloc (def. file <macros.h>) call instantiated, then with specific values inserted:

   lpYYRes = YYAlloc ();           // Allocate free memory, fill LPPL_YYSTYPE memory structure with default setup/values, e.g. <qf_ec.c>
   // Fill in the result token
   lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.TknType   = TKT_VARARRAY;
   lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData  = MakePtrTypeGlb (hGlbRes);
   lpYYRes->tkToken.tkCharIndex       = lptkFunc->tkCharIndex;


Full definition for typedef TOKEN: found in file <tokens.h>:

typedef struct tagTOKEN
    TKFLAGS          tkFlags;       // 00:  The flags part (numbers shown at left are beginning byte # in structure)
    SO_ENUM          tkSynObj;      // 04:  The Syntax Object for this token
    TOKEN_DATA       tkData;        // 08:  The data part (16 bytes=18 Hex - 08 Hex = 10 Hex)
    int              tkCharIndex;   // 18:  Index into the input line of this token
                                    // 1C:  Length (1C Hex = 16+12 decimal = byte #28)

Primary sample usage: Above typedef TOKEN is the first type-var found in typedef LPPL_YYSTYPE above, ref. TOKEN use just below:

    TOKEN tkToken; // (var name = tkToken, extensively used in System and APL Function calls)

Linked or indirect referencing through typed variable-name example: (to fill in a result token):

    // Full list of token types found in file <tokens.h>. TKT_VARARRAY used just below:
    lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.TknType   = TKT_VARARRAY;

tkToken Commonly Used Structures

C Source Code Sample Short List of tkToken Structure Groupings Found in files <qf_*.c and pf_*.c> Functions with FileName plus Line # Cross References and Frequencies (per C:\NARS2000\trunk qf_*.c/pf_*.c files) as of Mon 8/17/15:

FileName Line # Structure/Value Overall Found Freq Overall Found % Tot
qf_ec.c 237 tkToken 820 100.0%
qf_a.c 67 tkToken.tkCharIndex 134 16.3%
pf_cstile.c 182 tkToken.tkData.tkBoolean 13 1.6%
qf_tc.c 162 tkToken.tkData.tkChar 5 0.6%
qf_dl.c 179 tkToken.tkData.tkFloat 9 1.1%
qf_a.c 66 tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData 135 16.5%
qf_dr.c 98 tkToken.tkData.tkInteger 25 3.0%
qf_dr.c 309 tkToken.tkData.tkLongest 18 2.2%
qf_ec.c 275 tkToken.tkData.tkSym 3 0.4%
qf_ec.c 268 tkToken.tkData.tkVoid 1 0.1%
qf_a.c 64 tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType 145 17.7%
qf_a.c 65 tkToken.tkFlags.NoDisplay 140 17.1%
qf_a.c 63 tkToken.tkFlags.TknType 148 18.0%
pf_index.c 774 tkToken.tkSynObj 1 0.1%

One analogy to NARS tkToken structure groupings can be found in Particle Physics where Quarks, Leptons, Gluons and Gravitons comprise a particle class known as Fermions. NARS tkToken structure groupings, just as is true for Fermions, allows for a wide range of C coded functionality groupings. tkToken is a convenient way of grouping several pieces of related information together with flexibility for handling potentially broadly different datatypes, shapes and even functionality. A nested matrix of mixed elements can be handled, as well accommodation for workspace state indicator stack value-sets - all within tkToken structures.

tkToken Structures More Detailed Sample Uses Table

C Source Code Sample Uses Unique (duplicates removed) List of tkToken Structure = Values Found in files <qf_*.c and pf_*.c> Functions with FileName plus Line # Cross References (per C:\NARS2000\trunk qf_*.c/pf_*.c files), sorted by source filename, as of Mon 8/17/15:

FileName Line # Ref. Variable Name -> Structure Group = Value
qf_a.c 63 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.TknType = TKT_VARARRAY;
qf_a.c 66 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = MakePtrTypeGlb (hGlbQuadA);
qf_a.c 67 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkCharIndex = lptkFunc->tkCharIndex;
qf_at.c 406 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = MakePtrTypeGlb (hGlbRes);
qf_av.c 66 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = MakePtrTypeGlb (hGlbQuadAV);
qf_d.c 66 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = MakePtrTypeGlb (hGlbQuadD);
qf_dl.c 176 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.TknType = TKT_VARIMMED;
qf_dl.c 177 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = IMMTYPE_FLOAT;
qf_dl.c 179 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkFloat = aplFloatRht;
qf_dr.c 96 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = IMMTYPE_INT;
qf_dr.c 110 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = DR_BOOL;
qf_dr.c 115 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = DR_INT64;
qf_dr.c 120 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = DR_FLOAT;
qf_dr.c 125 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = DR_CHAR16;
qf_dr.c 130 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = DR_APA;
qf_dr.c 135 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = DR_HETERO;
qf_dr.c 140 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = DR_NESTED;
qf_dr.c 145 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = DR_RAT;
qf_dr.c 150 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = DR_VFP;
qf_dr.c 307 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = immTypeRes;
qf_dr.c 309 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkLongest = aplLongestRes;
qf_em.c 70 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = hGlbRes;
qf_fx.c 353 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = GetQuadIO () + SF_Fcns.uErrLine;
qf_mf.c 493 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = aplIntegerRes;
qf_mf.c 506 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkFloat = aplFloatRes;
qf_mf.c 806 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.NoDisplay = TRUE;
qf_nfns.c 275 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = aplFileOff;
qf_nfns.c 592 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.NoDisplay = (aplLongestRht NE 0);
qf_nfns.c 593 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = TieNum;
qf_nfns.c 1083 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = hGlbRht;
qf_nfns.c 1091 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = aplLongestRht;
qf_nfns.c 3298 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = aplFileSize;
qf_t.c 75 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkFloat = aplFloatSec;
qf_tc.c 160 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = IMMTYPE_CHAR;
qf_tc.c 162 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkChar = wc;
qf_ucs.c 206 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkLongest = aplLongestRht;
qf_wa.c 70 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = msex.ullAvailPhys + msex.ullAvailPageFile;
pf_bar.c 323 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = MakePtrTypeGlb (*lphGlbRes);
pf_cslope.c 255 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = MakePtrTypeGlb (hGlbLft);
pf_cslope.c 259 lpYYRes2 = PrimFnDydCircleSlope_EM_YY (&lpYYRes->tkToken,
pf_cslope.c 416 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = lptkRhtArg->tkData.tkSym->stFlags.ImmType;
pf_cslope.c 418 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkLongest = lptkRhtArg->tkData.tkSym->stData.stLongest;
pf_cslope.c 425 lpYYRes->tkToken = *lptkRhtArg;
pf_cstile.c 178 lpYYRes->tkToken = tkZero;
pf_cstile.c 252 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = IMMTYPE_BOOL;
pf_cstile.c 374 lpYYRes->tkToken = *CopyToken_EM (lptkRhtArg, FALSE);
pf_darrow.c 372 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = TranslateArrayTypeToImmType (aplTypeRht);
pf_domino.c 220 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkBoolean = 1;
pf_domino.c 481 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.TknType =
pf_domino.c 526 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData =
pf_dshoe.c 161 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = MakePtrTypeGlb (hGlbZilde);
pf_dshoe.c 480 hGlbGup = lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData;
pf_dtack.c 219 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkBoolean = FALSE;
pf_dtack.c 224 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger = 0;
pf_dtack.c 229 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkFloat = 0;
pf_dtack.c 234 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkChar = L' ';
pf_dtack.c 248 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = lptkRhtArg->tkFlags.ImmType;
pf_dtack.c 309 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = hSymGlbRes;
pf_dtackjot.c 375 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkChar = aplCharRht;
pf_epsilon.c 2398 hGlbGupLft = lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData;
pf_epsilon.c 2429 hGlbGupRht = lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData;
pf_epsilon.c 3731 bCmp = lpYYTmp->tkToken.tkData.tkBoolean;
pf_epsund.c 279 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkBoolean =
pf_epsund.c 288 lpMemRes = &lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkBoolean;
pf_equalund.c 532 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkBoolean = (APLBOOL) ((BIT0 & aplIntegerRes) NE bNotEqual);
pf_index.c 117 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = TranslateArrayTypeToImmType (aplTypeNam);
pf_index.c 119 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkLongest = aplLongestNam;
pf_index.c 120 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkCharIndex = lptkLstArg->tkCharIndex;
pf_index.c 127 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = CopySymGlbDirAsGlb (hGlbNam);
pf_index.c 591 *((LPAPLBOOL) lpMemRes) |= lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkBoolean << uBitIndex;
pf_index.c 604 *((LPAPLINT) lpMemRes)++ = lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger;
pf_index.c 610 *((LPAPLFLOAT) lpMemRes)++ = lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkFloat;
pf_index.c 616 *((LPAPLCHAR) lpMemRes)++ = lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkChar;
pf_index.c 639 lpSymTmp = MyGlobalLock (lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData);
pf_index.c 645 MyGlobalUnlock (lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData); lpSymTmp = NULL;
pf_index.c 648 DbgGlobalFree (lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData); lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = NULL;
pf_index.c 774 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkSynObj = soA;
pf_index.c 878 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = immTypeNam;
pf_index.c 2016 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.TknType = TKT_LSTIMMED;
pf_index.c 2019 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.TknType = TKT_LSTARRAY;
pf_index.c 2514 lpMemRes[0] = lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData;
pf_index.c 2546 hGlbSubRht = lpYYSub->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData;
pf_index.c 2913 lpYYRes2 = PrimFnDydRho_EM_YY (&lpYYRes1->tkToken,
pf_index.c 2924 hGlbRes = lpYYRes2->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData;
pf_index.c 3593 hGlbSubLst2 = lpYYItm->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData;
pf_index.c 4536 lpYYRes2 = ExecFuncStr_EM_YY (&lpYYRes1->tkToken,
pf_lshoe.c 212 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = ImmType;
pf_lshoe.c 214 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkLongest = aplLongest;
pf_lshoe.c 316 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = CopySymGlbDirAsGlb (hGlbRht);
pf_rshoe.c 263 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = immType;
pf_rshoe.c 1769 lpYYRes2->tkToken.tkFlags.TknType = TKT_VARARRAY;
pf_rshoe.c 1772 lpYYRes2->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = MakePtrTypeGlb (hGlbLft);
pf_rshoe.c 1773 lpYYRes2->tkToken.tkCharIndex = lptkFunc->tkCharIndex;
pf_rshoe.c 1776 lpYYRes3 = PrimFnDydCircleSlope_EM_YY (&lpYYRes2->tkToken,
pf_rshoe.c 1996 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = immTypeRht;
pf_rshoe.c 2396 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = CopySymGlbNumDir_PTB (hGlbRes, aplTypeRht, lptkFunc);
pf_rshoe.c 3014 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = immTypeSubRht;
pf_rshoe.c 3016 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkLongest = aplLongestSubRht;
pf_rshoe.c 3034 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = CopySymGlbNumDir_PTB (hGlbRht, aplTypeRht, lptkFunc);
pf_rtack.c 188 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = CopySymGlbDirAsGlb (hGlbArg);
pf_rtack.c 194 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.ImmType = TranslateArrayTypeToImmType (aplType);
pf_squad.c 228 lpMemRht = &lpYYRht->tkToken.tkData.tkInteger;
pf_squad.c 232 hGlbRht = lpYYRht->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData;
pf_squad.c 278 *lpMemRes++ = lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData;
pf_uarrow.c 232 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkData.tkGlbData = CopySymGlbNumDir_PTB (lpSymGlb, aplTypeRht, lptkFunc);
pf_utackjot.c 379 lpYYRes->tkToken.tkFlags.NoDisplay |= (exitType EQ EXITTYPE_NODISPLAY);

Variable Types
