Character names

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The characters used by this wiki and by NARS2000 when writing a workspace to disk have a specific name in order that they can be displayed in ASCII text and if necessary for display purposes they have a specific Unicode value so that they can be read exactly if read from a binary file and so they can be displayed within the APL font.

When it is necessary to describe a character it's usually easier to remember the name than a hexidecimal code number. For example, the APL quad symbol "⎕" is internalized as Unicode U+9109, it can be displayed on a web page using the symbol ⎕ or can be referenced on this wiki by the name {quad}. This wiki is set up to show these brace symbols as APL characters in ordinary text.

If you want to show a series of apl characters in monospace, you can surround them block like this: <apl>{quad}</apl> (which looks like this: ) for regular size APL characters (which may be cut off on some displays), or <apll>{quad}</apll> for larger APL characters also in a monospace font, and looks like this: .


The following are the names for the APL symbols. Some symbols have more than one name; either the typical APL use name is used or the description if there isn't a standard function name. If there is more information about the symbol the name will be a link; click on the link to go to the page for how the symbol is used.

Symbol Names
Name Is an Apl
Usable in
Has Key Key
Value (Hex)
A Underline: A
Special Symbols
Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-Yes.png Yes None 9398 or 57398 [1] 24B6 or E036 [1]
Z Underline: Z
Special Symbols
Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-Yes.png Yes None 9423 or 57423 [1] 24CF or E04F [1]
0 0 - Zero
Special Symbols
Icon-24-No.png  No Second and subsequent characters 0 0030 001E
9 9 - Nine
Special Symbols
Icon-24-No.png  No Second and subsequent characters 9 0039 0027
| {abs} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+\ 0124 or 2223 [2] 007C or 08AF [2]
{alpha} Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-Yes.png Yes ALT+A 9082 237A
{and} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+0 (Zero) 8743 2227
{assign} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+[ 8592 2190
{basevalue} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+B 8869 22A5
{ceiling} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+S 8968 2308
{circle} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+O 9675 25CB
{circlebar} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+7 8854 2296
{circlemiddledot} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+/ (Slash) 8857 2299
{circleslope} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+6 9033 2349
{circlestile} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+5 9021 233D
, {comma} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No , 0044 002C
{commabar} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+` (Accent Grave) 9066 236A
{comment} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+, (Comma) 9053 235D
{commute} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9064 2368
{compose} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8728 2218}
{dagger} Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+ALT+? 0123 007B
{del} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+G 8711 2207
{delta} Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-Yes.png Yes ALT+H 8710 2206
{deltaunderbar} Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-Yes.png Yes ALT+SHIFT+H 9049 2359
{dex} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+\ 8866 22A2
{diamond} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+` 8900 22C4
¨ {dieresis} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+1 (One) 0168 00A8
× {direction} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+- (Minus) 0215 00D7
÷ {divide} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+= (Equal) 0247 00F7
{domino} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+= (Equal) 9017 2339
{downshoe} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8746 222A
{downshoestile} Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+ALT+? 9062 2366
{downstile} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+D 8970 230A
{downtack} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+N 8868 22A4
{drop} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+ALT+? 8595 2193
¨ {each} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 0168 00A8
{enclose} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8834 2282
{epsilon} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8714 220A
{epsilonunderbar} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+E 9079 2377
= {equal} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 0061 003D
{execute} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9038 234E
! {factorial} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+1 (One) 0033 0021
{find} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9079 2377
{floor} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+D 8970 230A
{format} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9045 2355
Dual operator
Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9058 2362
greater than or equal
Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8805 2265
{goto} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+] 8594 2192
{gradedown} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+3 9042 2352
{gradeup} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+4 9035 234B
{iota} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9075 {{{hex}}}
{iotaunderbar} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9080 {{{hex}}}
{jot} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8728 {{{hex}}}
{lamp} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+, (Comma) 9053 {{{hex}}}
less than or equal
Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8804 {{{hex}}}
{leftarrow} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+] 8592 {{{hex}}}
{ {leftbrace} Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  No [ 123 {{{hex}}}
{leftshoeunderbar} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8838 {{{hex}}}
{lefttack} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+\ 8867 {{{hex}}}
{lev} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+\ (Backslash) 8867 {{{hex}}}
{log} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+8 9055 235F
| {magnitude} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+\ (Backslash) 124 or 2223 {{{hex}}}
{match} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+1 (One) 8801 {{{hex}}}
- {minus} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No + 45 {{{hex}}}
{mismatch} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+2 8802 2262
| {mod} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+\ (Backslash) 124 or 2223 {{{hex}}}
× {multiply} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+- (Minus) 215 {{{hex}}}
{nand} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+0 (zero) 9074 {{{hex}}}
not equal
Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+ALT+? 8800 {{{hex}}}
¯ {neg} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+2 175 {{{hex}}}
{notmatch} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+2 8802 2262
{nor} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+ALT+9 9073 {{{hex}}}
~ {not} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 126 {{{hex}}}
{omega} Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-Yes.png Yes ALT+W 9077 {{{hex}}}
{or} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8744 {{{hex}}}
{pass} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+\ (Backslash) 8867 {{{hex}}}
π {pi} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 960 {{{hex}}}
{pick} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8835 {{{hex}}}
{pitimes} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+O (Letter O) 9675 {{{hex}}}
+ {plus} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No + 43 {{{hex}}}
* {power} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+8 42 {{{hex}}}
{quad} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+L 9109 {{{hex}}}
{quadslope} Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  No None 9026 {{{hex}}}
? {query} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ? (Question Mark 63 {{{hex}}}
{quotequad} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+[ (Open Brace) 9054 {{{hex}}}
? {random} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ? (Question Mark) 63 {{{hex}}}
{rank} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+J 9060 {{{hex}}}
{represent} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+N 8868 {{{hex}}}
| {residue} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+\ 124 or 2223 {{{hex}}}
{rho} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+R 9076 {{{hex}}}
{rightarrow} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+] (Close Brace) 8594 {{{hex}}}
} {rightbrace} Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  No ] 125 {{{hex}}}
{rightshoe} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8835 {{{hex}}}
{rightshoeunderbar} YesNo Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8839 {{{hex}}}
{righttack} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+\ (Backslash) 8866 {{{hex}}}
{root} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+R 8730 {{{hex}}}
{rotate} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+5 9021 233D
§ Multiset Symmetric Difference
Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+S 167 {{{hex}}}
{shreik} {shreik} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+1 (One) 33 {{{hex}}}
× {sign} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+- (Minus) 215 {{{hex}}}
× {signum} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+- (Minus) 215 {{{hex}}}
{slashbar} Icon-24-Yes.png YesIcon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9023 {{{hex}}}
{slopebar} Icon-24-Yes.png YesIcon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9024 {{{hex}}}
{sourpuss} Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+ALT+? 9059 {{{hex}}}
Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+ALT+? 9057 {{{hex}}}
{squad} Icon-24-Yes.png YesIcon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9015 {{{hex}}}
* {star} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+8 42 {{{hex}}}
| {stile} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No SHIFT+\ (Backslash) 124 or 2223 {{{hex}}}
{stop} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+\ (Backslash) 8866 {{{hex}}}
{take} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+Y 8593 {{{hex}}}
× {times} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+- (ALT Minus) 215 {{{hex}}}
{transpose} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+6 9033 2349
_ {underbar} Icon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT - (Minus) 0095 {{{hex}}}
{union} Icon-24-Yes.png YesIcon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8746 {{{hex}}}
{uparrow} Icon-24-Yes.png YesIcon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8593 {{{hex}}}
{upon} Icon-24-Yes.png YesIcon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 9061 {{{hex}}}
{upshoe} Icon-24-Yes.png YesIcon-24-No.png  No Icon-24-No.png  NoIcon-24-Yes.png Yes SHIFT+ALT+? 8745 {{{hex}}}
{upstile} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+S 8968 {{{hex}}}
{uptack} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+B 8869 {{{hex}}}
{zilde} Icon-24-Yes.png Yes Icon-24-No.png  No ALT+SHIFT+] (Close Brace) 9068 {{{hex}}}


[1] NARS2000 generates the underlined characters using the Unicode Private Character range 57398-57423 or 0xE036-0xE04F; the SimPL Medium and APL385 Unicode can use the circled letters at 9398-2423 or 0x24B6-0x24CF to substitute for these.

[2] The ABS symbol is typed as character 124, but the Unicode symbol is 2223.

Unicode Symbol Names

Glyph Unicode (Hex) Name
2376 Alpha Underbar
237A Alpha
2340 Back Slash Bar
\ 005C Back Slash
2349 Circle Back Slash
2296 Circle Bar
2365 Circle Diaresis
233E Circle Jot
2205 Circle Slash
235F Circle Star
233D Circle Stile
235C Circle Underbar
25CB Circle
[[:]] 003A Colon
236A Comma Bar
, 002C Comma
2362 Del Diaresis
2352 Del Stile
236B Del Tilde
2207 Del
234B Delta Stile
2359 Delta Underbar
2206 Delta
235A Diamond Underbar
22C4 Diamond
2235 Diaresis Dot
¨ 00A8 Diaresis
÷ 00F7 Divide
$ 0024 Dollar Sign
. 002E Dot
2193 Down Arrow
2371 Down Caret Tilde
2228 Down Caret
2366 Down Shoe Stile
222A Down Shoe
230A Down Stile
2361 Down Tack Diaresis
2355 Down Tack Jot
2351 Down Tack Overbar
22A4 Down Tack
2356 Down Vane
2377 Epsilon Underbar
220A Epsilon
= 003D Equal
2369 Greater Than Diaresis
2265 Greater Than or Equal
> 003E Greater Than
2336 I?Beam
2378 Iota Underbar
2373 Iota
2364 Jot Diaresis
235B Jot Underbar
2218 Jot
2190 Left Arrow
[[{ { 007B Left Brace
[ 005B Left Bracket
( 0028 Left Parenthesis
2367 Left Shoe Stile
2286 Left Shoe Underbar
2282 Left Shoe
22A3 Left Tack
2345 Left Vane
2264 Less Than or Equal
< 003C Less Than
2212 Minus
× 00D7 Multiply
2260 Not Equal
2262 Not Same
2375 Omega
¯ 00AF Overbar
+ 002B Plus
2342 Quad Backslash
233C Quad Circle
2360 Quad Colon
2354 Quad Del
234D Quad Delta
233A Quad Diamond
2339 Quad Divide
2357 Quad Down Arrow
234C Quad Down Caret
2338 Quad Equal
2344 Quad Greater Than
233B Quad Jot
2347 Quad Left Arrow
2343 Quad Less Than
236F Quad Not Equal
2370 Quad Question
2348 Quad Right Arrow
2341 Quad Slash
2353 Quad Up Caret
25AF Quad
? 003F Question
! 0021 Quote Dot
235E Quote Quad
2358 Quote Underbar
' 0027 Quote
2374 Rho
2192 Right Arrow
} 007D Right Brace
] 005D Right Bracket
) 0029 Right Parenthesis
2287 Right Shoe Underbar
2283 Right Shoe
22A2 Right Tack
2346 Right Vane
2261 Same
236E Semicolon Underbar
; 003B Semicolon
233F Slash Bar
/ 002F Slash
2337 Squish Quad
2363 Star Diaresis
22C6 Star
236D Stile Tilde
2223 Stile
2368 Tilde Diaresis
223C Tilde
2191 Up Arrow
2372 Up Caret Tilde
2227 Up Caret
235D Up Shoe Jot
2229 Up Shoe
2308 Up Stile
234E Up Tack Jot
234A Up Tack Underbar
22A5 Up Tack
234F Up Vane
236C Zilde

See Also: The language toolbar, keyboard