Character names

From NARS2000
Revision as of 14:55, 22 February 2013 by Paul Robinson (talk | contribs)
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The characters used by this wiki and by NARS2000 when writing a workspace to disk have a specific name in order that they can be displayed in ASCII text and if necessary for display purposes they have a specific Unicode value so that they can be read exactly if read from a binary file and so they can be displayed within the APL font.

When it is necessary to describe a character it's usually easier to remember the name than a hexidecimal code number. For example, the APL quad symbol "⎕" is internalized as Unicode U+9109, it can be displayed on a web page using the symbol ⎕ or can be referenced on this wiki by the name {quad}. This wiki is set up to show these brace symbols as APL characters in ordinary text.

If you want to show a series of apl characters in monospace, you can surround them block like this: <apl>{quad}</apl> (which looks like this: ) for regular size APL characters (which may be cut off on some displays), or <apll>{quad}</apll> for larger APL characters also in a monospace font, and looks like this: .


The following are the names for all of the APL symbols

Symbol Names
Symbol Name Value Symbol Name Value Symbol Name Value
{{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{alpha} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{ceiling} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{del} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{delta} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{downshoe} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{downshoestile} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{drop} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{epsilon} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{floor} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{iota} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{jot} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
~ {not} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
π {pi} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{pitimes} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
? {{{sy}}}
{{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{represent} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{rho} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{union} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{omega} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{rightshoe} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{upshoe} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{uptack} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{uparrow} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{take} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{leftshoe} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{pick} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{quad} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}
{quadslope} {{{F}}} {{{ID}}} {{{k}}} {{{num}}} {{{hex}}}

⍷ or epsilonunderbar

⍢ Dual operator (frog) ⍢

⍤ Rank operator (hoot) ⍤

⍭ Partition operator (dagger) †

{dieresisdowntack} Convolution operator (snout) ⍡

⍥ (holler) ⍥

∘ Compose

⍥ hoof

⍣ Power operator (sourpuss) ⍣

§ Multiset Symmetric Difference


⍨ Commute operator (frown)





{leftcaret} less

≤ not more or <=


≥ not less or >=

{rightcaret} more or >

≠ not equal, /= or <>

× or signum


⌽ or reverse

⍟ or ln


← or is

→ or rightarrow

⍝ comment










| Modulus



