System Labels

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Normally, execution of an Anonymous Function/Operator/Hyperator (AFOH) or User-Defined Function/Operator/Hyperator (UDFOH) starts execution at line one. However, in certain contexts, execution may start at a different place depending upon the context and the presence of a System Label. These special labels start with a quad symbol so as to distinguish them from normal labels. The following table lists the system labels defined so far and the special context in which they are used.

⎕ID: is called when an identity element is needed as in foo/R where R is empty.
⎕INV: is called when an inverse function is needed as in foo⍣¯1 R.
⎕MS: is called when an AFOH/UDFOH is invoked by the Multiset Operator as in foo⍦R.
⎕PRO: is called when a prototype element is needed as in foo¨R where R is empty, or L foo¨R where one of both of L or R is empty and the other is conformable.

For example, as a UDFOH

    ∇ Z←{L} foo R
[1]   Z←L,R ⋄ →0
[2]   ⎕ID :Z←'Identity' ,(⎕NC 'L'),(⎕NC 'R') ⋄ →0
[3]   ⎕INV:Z←'Inverse'  ,(⎕NC 'L'),(⎕NC 'R') ⋄ →0
[4]   ⎕MS :Z←'Multiset' ,(⎕NC 'L'),(⎕NC 'R') ⋄ →0
[5]   ⎕PRO:Z←'Prototype',(⎕NC 'L'),(⎕NC 'R') ⋄ →0

or equivalently as an AFOH

0:⍺←0 ⋄ ⍺,⍵
⋄ ⎕ID :'Identity' ,(⎕NC '⍺'),⎕NC '⍵'
⋄ ⎕INV:'Inverse'  ,(⎕NC '⍺'),⎕NC '⍵'
⋄ ⎕MS :'Multiset' ,(⎕NC '⍺'),⎕NC '⍵'
⋄ ⎕PRO:'Prototype',(⎕NC '⍺'),⎕NC '⍵'}
      )BOX ON
││Identity 0 2││
      {⍺+÷⍵ ⋄ ⎕ID:∞}/⍬
      {⍺+÷⍵ ⋄ ⎕ID:∞}\7⍴1
1 2 1.5 1.666666667 1.6 1.625 1.615384615

      foo⍣¯1 1
│ Inverse 0 2│

      foo⍦ 1
Multiset 0 2
      2 foo⍦ 1
Multiset 2 2
      1 foo¨⍬
││          0 0││
  • In the Identity element case, the AFOH/UDFOH is called with the Reduction function's right argument prototype as the right argument to the AFOH/UDFOH; the left argument is undefined. For example, in foo/3 0⍴⊂⍳4, the (right) argument passed to the ⎕ID: entry point is 0 0 0 0. The return value from the AFOH/UDFOH is used as the common item in the result. Thus, the ⎕ID entry point is called only once even though the result may have multiple copies of the return value.

  • In the Inverse case, the AFOH/UDFOH is called with the same argument(s) as the Inverse-derived function.

  • In the Multiset case, the AFOH/UDFOH is called with the same argument(s) as the Multiset-derived function.

  • In the Prototype case, the AFOH/UDFOH is called with arguments that are the prototypes of the respective arguments; in the monadic case, the left argument is undefined.

  • For the moment, if two or more system labels would be called at the same time (such as the last example above, which needs both a Prototype and Identity element), a NONCE ERROR is signaled. Eventually, this case will be handled by placing all appropriate System Labels on the same line as in ⎕ID:⎕PRO:.